dear team, we are using server 2008 and it is infected with rainsomeware[].cesar all file extection shoud be changed so please help us
Dear team, our 2008 server is infected with Cesar ransomware virus
Amit Atri, | Cezar ransomware virus |
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Thank you for contacting us. First of all, we'd like to clarify that Cesar ransomware is rampaging worldwide now, and second, it is a highly sophisticated virus. It is a variant of Dharma malware, and it encrypts files to demand a ransom from the victim. Unfortunately, at the moment there are no decryption tools available for the .cesar variant. In the past, someone leaked Dharma decryption keys, but they worked only for previous versions of the ransomware group. Do you have a data backup (files stored in CDs, DVDs, hard drives, USBs or any other portable data storage devices)? If so, you can use them to recover at least some of files. Obviously, you should remove Cezar (.cesar, .cezar) ransomware first. You can find a guide here: Cezar ransomware virus. How to remove? (Uninstall guide).
2-Spyware team.