Stay safe online - 2024-12-09
Ad injection
Ben Edelman, reputable anti-spyware expert, has conducted a research on how Vonage, one of the leading providers of broadband phone service, funds spyware.More
News Spyware related issues Viruses and parasites July 19, 2006
Still using Windows 98 or Windows Me? (2)
Are you still using Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows Millennium ?More
Webroot’s latest State of Spyware
Webroot, one of the leading anti-spyware companies, released the latest State of Spyware Report recently.More
News Spyware related issues May 14, 2006
YapBrowser – adware and child porn (1)
180solutions, the infamous adware distributor, got in a very unpleasant situation.More
News Spyware related issues April 21, 2006
HijackThis Log Analyzer
We are proud to present you the HijackThis Log Analyzer, our totally new service that will automatically analyze your HijackThis log and provide results immediately after posting the log.More
Critical Internet Explorer vulnerability: attacks started
The day before last, we wrote about new highly critical vulnerability, which affects Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on fully patched Windows 98, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server systems.More
News Web browsers and vulnerabilities March 25, 2006
What’s new on – Issue 2, February, 2006
SpywareStrike has got a clone
Olympic gold medalist looks to be a spyware pusher
Botnets, botmasters and spyware victims.More
News What's new March 01, 2006
Backing up and restoring the Windows registry (16)
The registry is one of the most vital components of the Microsoft Windows operating system.More
Blackworm. Only a few days left
On this Friday, February 3rd, Blackworm, an extremely dangerous and rapidly spreading Internet parasite will delete millions of various documents, databases, images and archives stored on hundreds of thousands of computers around the globe.More
CoolWebSearch - the most infamous browser hijacker
Browser hijackers - the pest on the computer.
The term "potentially unwanted program" is highly controversial still up to this day, as countless legal battles were raised by consumers, security experts, and PUP developers.More
News Viruses and parasites July 08, 2005