Hi, I really can’t get rid of Tapufind, it’s still there after using malwarebytes and deleting the extension, then it comes back again like it’s cannot be deleted. Really need help.
How to get rid of Tapufind from Chrome?
Denny Lin, | Search.tapufind.com |
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while trying to get rid of Tapufind, make sure you delete these entries as well: Safe Finder, Agent folder, Macappextensions. Also, try using Terminal to remove this hijacker:
1. Open "Terminal"
2. Copy/paste without quotes: "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES"
3. Press "Return"
4. Hold the Option/alt key, then right-click on the "Finder" icon in the dock and click "Relaunch"
5. Go to: /Users/Mac's name/Library/Application Support/
6. Delete "Agent" folder
7. Go back to "Terminal" and copy/paste (without quotes): "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO"
8. Press "Return"
9. Hold the Option/alt key, then right-click on the "Finder" icon in the dock and click "Relaunch"
More about Tapufind: https://www.2-spyware.com/remove-search-tapufind-com.html
Best regards,
2-spyware team