Cerber encrypted my files and asks to obtain Cerber Decryptor. I do not have backups, and I am thinking about taking this offer. However, I am afraid if this tool will actually work. I do not want to spend my money on useless software.
Is Cerber Decryptor real?
Reshe1952, | Cerber Decryptor |
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Even though you do not have backups, you should NOT buy Cerber Decryptor. Cyber criminals are not reliable people. Thus, no one can guarantee that their provided decryption software is working. What is more, once you pay the ransom, you may never receive this software or might be asked to pay more money.
The purpose of Cerber virus is to swindle the money from computer users. Data recovery is not the primary goal. Thus, you should not risk to lose hundreds of dollars or sponsor further ransomware projects.
We recommend eliminating the virus from the computer immediately. You can try alternative recovery methods that might help to restore your files.
2-spyware team.