Security experts warn about reappearance of Delta Homes virus!, a search engine that was originally created for collecting revenue from advertising, has recently renewed its activity. According to the latest news, it has already hijacked thousands of devices in Russia, Turkey, Denmark, Poland and the U.S. Unfortunately, who exactly is responsible for this outbreak is still unknown. It is believed that it originates from Russia and belongs to hackers who use it for altering browsers’ settings and redirecting victims to necessary websites. Please, make sure you have updated anti-spyware installed on your computer for avoiding Delta Homes virus and problems that are typically initiated by this threat.
Also known as browser hijacker, this program was first detected in the middle of 2013. Just like its current version, it was mostly distributed with a help of various freewares, such as infamous Babylon Toolbar, Softonic, Any.Do, BeeLine Reader and other free applications. It renewed its activity in the beginning of 2014, after hackers improved its rootkit capabilities that gave it more powers to hide deep in OS and prevent its removal.
When installed on the system, attempts to modify system’s settings and blocks home page with default search engine. As a result, victim is made to forget about Google, Bing, Yahoo or other search engines. In addition to this, he/she is bombarded with altered search results and different ads that are typically filled with various links. If any of these ads tricks the victim, it redirects him/her to affiliate website. Click after click, hackers keep redirecting people to specific websites and increase their page rank/sales.
It seems that forty percent of PC users who have been affected by the new version of virus live in Russia. Sounds funny, especially when you know what country this virus comes from.
If you think that your system may also be infected with this browser hijacker, you shouldn’t ignore this because it can easily redirect you to the site that is infected with malware. For eliminating this threat, you should scan your PC with anti-spyware and then reset each of your web browsers. For learning what programs have been designed for removal and how can you reset each of your web browsers, click the link below: