What is delta-homes.exe? Should I remove it?
delta-homes.exe is a malicious executable, which can be installed on your computer without your awareness. In fact, this file is not the only one that can be discovered on the system because it travels around together with delta-homes.com. This search engine has already been labeled as a browser hijacker and a potentially unwanted program, so the only thing that should be done after finding it on web browser is running a full system scan with updated anti-spyware. This will also help you to remove delta-homes.exe and other malicious files that are related to it.
If you have already discovered delta-homes.com on your Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or other web browser, it means that your system has been hijacked by a potentially unwanted program. Typically, such programs are spread in a bundle with freeware and shareware as optional components. People can easily prevent their infiltration but this requires attentive installation of every program that is spread on the Internet. Unfortunately, this thing is the one that helps for adwares, browser hijackers and similar potentially unwanted programs to keep their distribution rate at the highest point.. If you really want to prevent infiltration of these programs, you have to forget 'Quick', 'Basic' or 'Recommended' installation of the freeware. Instead of that, you should select 'Custom' or 'Advanced' installation option and then follow every installation step.
If Delta Homes manages to hijack the system, it uses delta-homes.exe to launch itself once the PC is rebooted. In addition, it blocks Google, Yahoo or other popular search engines for getting ability to show its forged search results for the victim. Beware that this is straight path to questionable websites that can be used for spreading malware and other viruses. In order to avoid this, you should scan your computer with one of these programs and remove infected/suspicious files: FortectIntego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner, Malwarebytes.