hello, I am interested why did Search.searchcpn.com virus attacked my browsers. what is the point of this browser hijacker? I did read a few posts about browser hijackers but I do not really understand what is the point of browser hijacking.
Search.searchcpn.com hijacker virus
johnattan, | Search.searchcpn.com virus |
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Browser hijackers like Search.searchcpn.com are created for money making. Victims who install them on their computers together with free programs, and sometimes inadvertently start using search engines these browser hijackers promote. Search results brought by these search tools are filled with advertisements, and when users click on them, authors of the particular browser hijacker generate pay-per-click revenue.
You can find a detailed explanation of what Search.searchcpn.com hijacker is here: Search.searchcpn.com virus: Description and Removal Tutorial.