Stay safe by ignoring fake emails that notify about nonexistent Facebook comments!
Thanks to several of our users, we can warn you about fake email messages that are circulating around at the moment. They look like real warnings from Facebook, so they have already tricked hudreds of people from different world’s countries. If you happen to receive a notification that reports about Facebook comments from some ‘men’ and, of course, includes a link, you should delete it. By clicking on that link you easilyagree to download the malicious .scr file, which is commonly involved in malware campaigns.
The fake Facebook message, which has been reported to us, claims:
Some men commented on your status.Mikle wrote: “so cute ;)”
Go to comments (link)
Reply to this email to comment on this status.
If you click on ‘Go to comments’, you will be redirected to a Dropbox page, which offers downloading the PDF file ‘Private_XXXXXXXX’. However, it just appears to be the PDF file. In reality, it’s a malicious .scr file, which is masked by scammers by hiding its extension.
If you don’t want to infect your computer with Trojan horse or other virus, you should stay away from such scams like this one. Clicking on unsafe links can easily lead you to the installation of viruses that are used to steal people’s sensitive information, such as banking data, loggins, passwords, and money.