Spyware Doctor tutorial

According to PC Tools announcement, Spyware Doctor will be no longer available from May 18, 2013. The company claims that they decided to retire this program for trying to stream their product range and offer fewer, better solutions. If you’re an existing Spyware Doctor’s customer, you will be capable to receive support and protection against the latest threats for the length of your subscription.


Spyware Doctor, made by PC Tools, is one of the most effective and advanced spyware removal and real-time protection solutions available on the market. This product is not only very popular, but also highly appreciated by reputable computer security experts. Spyware Doctor provides superb easy-to-use protection from practically any kind of privacy and security threats.

By reading the following guide you will learn how to use Spyware Doctor in order to get rid of spyware, adware and other dangerous parasites.


Spyware Doctor is a commercial anti-spyware that costs 29.95 US dollars. However, you can try it out for free by downloading the limited trial version. Current size of Spyware Doctor 5.0 is about 20MB, so please be patient.

Now you can install the program. Double-click on the downloaded executable file to start the setup. Select a language you wish to use during installation, read and accept the license agreement and select destination folder. In the next screen click on the Install button. The setup will copy files and register the program. In the next screen click on the Finish button. Now Spyware Doctor is installed to your system.


To start the program you have to double-click on the Spyware Doctor desktop icon or select the Spyware Doctor shortcut from the start menu. Main program screen will appear.

On the first start it is very important to update the application. Without latest updates Spyware Doctor might be unable to identify and remove recent threats. Click on Smart Update link (on Image 2 it is in the red box).

This will bring the Smart Update window. Within it click on the Next > button to check for Spyware Doctor updates. Next section should appear. It contains the list of recent updates. You can choose which of them to install. All list items are select by default. You should leave them intact, as all of them are required. Press the Next > button.

The application will contact its home server and download updates selected. The process may take a while, so please be patient. Do not cancel it! Spyware Doctor will automatically apply updates. Click Finish after the process ends.


1. Scanning the system for threats

To perform your first system scan click on the Scan Computer Now button (on Image 4 it is designated by the blue box). This will start default system scan, usually the quick one.

To choose different scan type and check the system using it click on the Start Scan button (on Image 4 it is the red box). This will bring the System Scan section, which allows you to select different scan mode. Pick the Full Scan option (on Image 5 it is in the blue box). Then press the Start Scan button (in the red box). This will start full system scan.

System scan takes a while, so please be patient.

2. Analysing detected objects

After the scan is over the program will display a scan report, which contains the list of parasites detected. Each item in this list can be expanded. Click on the + icon (on Image 6 it is designated by the red box) next to an item. You will see the list of objects related to a parasite. This list is distributed into groups according to their types (Processes, Registry Key, Files, etc.). Each group of objects can also be expanded. Click on the + icon next to a group to view all files, registry entries, running processes and other malicious objects that the parasite uses.

Additional information on parasites such as description, threat level and other details is in the window’s right pane. On Image 6 it is designated by the blue box.

3. Removing detected parasites

To remove parasites from the system place checkmarks (on Image 7 they are in the red box) next to items you want to eliminate and then press the Fix Checked button (in the blue box).

Spyware Doctor will ask you to confirm removal by displaying an additional window. Please read the legal notice provided in it. Click Continue Removal to continue.

After all parasites have been successfully removed click on the Finish button (on Image 9 it is in the red box).

After each system clean up Spyware Doctor saves removed objects into the special Quarantine zone, so that they could be easily restored later. This feature can help you to repair the system in case harmless essential system objects were accidentally removed. To access Quarantine, click on the Settings button (on Image 10 it is designated by the red box), then click on the Quarantine link (in the blue box).

The Quarantine section will appear. It contains the list of quarantined threats. To view quarantined objects related select the required item using your mouse or keyboard and press the Details… button (on Image 10 it is in the green box). You will see the complete list of parasite objects removed after recent system scan.

To restore certain items, get back to Quarantine, place checkmarks next to items you want to restore and press the Restore… button (on Image 12 it is in the red box). Spyware Doctor will ask you to confirm your actions. If you really want to restore selected items, reply positively by pressing the OK button (designated by the blue box).


Spyware Doctor includes real-time protection tool called OnGuard. It consists of several specific tools called guards that can run independently from each other. All guards are enabled by default. Each tool has its own settings. OnGuard provides truly effective protection that should be present on every system to which Spyware Doctor is installed.

To access OnGuard configuration click on the OnGuard button (on Image 13 it is designated by the blue box). This will bring the OnGuard Protection section. To enable real-time monitoring (if you haven’t done it before on the program’s first run) click on the Click to activate OnGuard link (it is in the red box).

All present OnGuard guards reside in the column (on Image 13 it is in the green box) located in the same section. To view current settings, alter configuration or turn off a particular guard click on its icon or name. In the right part of the screen you will guard’s properties. All guards are enabled and configured for optimally effective protection by default. I suggest leaving the default configuration unchanged.


Spyware Doctor is a powerful, efficient and highly user-friendly anti-spyware program. This product is recommended for all computer users who need really working and easy-to-manage protection from practically any kind of spyware, adware, keyloggers, browser hijackers and other dangerous parasites.

About the author
Julie Splinters
Julie Splinters - Anti-malware specialist

Julie Splinters is the News Editor of 2-spyware. Her bachelor was English Philology.

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