I have always used Google as my primary search engine, and I love it. For a week now, I cannot use it because of some Awesomehp.com search engine seems to have hijacked my Chrome browser. I don’t like it; it shows loads of ads, and it’s search results are not even close to Google’s. Is there any way to remove it? I tried everything I knew.
We are happy to help you with your problem. Awesomehp.com is a virus that has infected your PC and changed its settings in such way, that you would only use Awesomehp.com search engine. Based on some complaints from other users we have made a decision to write a full removal guide about Awesomehp.com redirect. You can read it here: Awesomehp.com removal guide
You can remove it using the instructions we provided, however, if something goes wrong and for some reason it doesn't let you remove this questionable search engine from your system, try using automated removal solutions provided by SpyHunter. Scan your PC and it will eliminate any problems you might have with viruses automatically with a click of a button.
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