Hello. I hope you know what to do about this problem i’ve been recently encountering…
I don’t know how it got to this, but my homepage got suddenly changed into Trustedsurf.com even though I did not set it up myself. So i decided to get rid of it as soon I’ve noticed this suspicious search engine on my browser… BUT, I cannot seem to change my settings back the usual way. Is there’s something that needs to be done with the system parameters? I need your help ASAP because I’m not willing to use this site and it hijacked all my browsers, so I have no alternatives…
Cannot get rid of trustedsurf.com
Ricting, | Trustedsurf.com |
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We are glad to see you on 2-spyware. We have to inform you that what you are dealing with is a browser hijacker virus. Browser hijackers are malicious programs which get into your computer stealthily and change browser settings. Because of this alteration, you are now seeing this website as your default homepage. However, the reassignment of the default website is not the only problem which may arise if you keep this program installed on your computer. You may also encounter system slow-downs, browser crashes or freeze. In other words, you do not want to deal with this virus. To find out more about Trustedsurf.com virus and its potential threats to your computer, you can read our recently featured article here: Trustedsurf.com. How to Remove?.
In this article, you will also find suggestions on how you can remove this virus from your computer. You will see that there are two methods which you can apply for the removal of the Trustedsurf.com virus. However, mostly we recommend the automatic removal method using a reputable antivirus software like FortectIntego.
We hope you succeed to remove the virus from your system. If any trouble arises, do not hesitate to contact us.
With best regards,