20% of Microsoft Logins Stolen by Hackers – Use Different Password For Every Account
Windows Live ID accounts have been compromised by hackers. Almost 20% of logins revealed to them. These logins inclube all services, such as Hotmail, Messanger and SkyDrive. However, twenty percent is a huge number. And if you consider that people tend to use the same passwords on different websites and accounts, the number of possible account losses greatly increases.
Hackers aren’t sleeping – if they get account details on one website, they replay the same usernames and passwords through all major account systems, to search for possible data they can steal. Hacking into your mail account could mean getting passwords from everywhere, because most of the password info is kept in emails.
The point of all this is – just DON’T REUSE PASSWORDS. We all know it’s hard to remember such huge amount of passwords; however, there’s many password managers out there to help you – they save all the passwords when you register, so you don’t have any excuse to use the same password over and over again.
Here’s a good site to check out if your login details were hacked:shouldichangemypassword.com. If you find out that your email might me compromised change all your passwords now!