I have recently noticed that I am seeing more ads than I was before. What could have happened? I don’t believe that pages would add that much advertisement on their sites because it sometimes completely blocks the view. All I can say is that most of the ads have “ads by webbar” or “webbar ads” written below them. Can you explain me how to fix this, if it’s possible to fix?
Why do I see WebBar ads?
Hationes, | WebBar |
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We are glad you have asked this question. Quite recently our security experts team have done a renewed extensive research on WebBar. What we found, is that WebBar Ads can be classified as a potentially unwanted application (PUP). It claims to be a search improving addon, but what it does in reality, is hijacking browsers, by showing various advertisements from his affiliates. Nevertheless, do not be afraid - it is possible to fix this problem. Our team has written a fully detailed removal instructions here: Web Bar removal instructions
Have a beautiful day,
Team @ 2spyware