Spyware related
Stay safe online - 2025-01-17
Do I need 000.exe virus file?
000.exe is a malicious executable related to a virus that wipes files from the infected system.
Files Spyware related December 17, 2021
Sitool.exe virus explained
Sitool.exe is malware that primarily spreads as software cracks.
Files Spyware related October 22, 2021
File fsg_4104.exe definition
fsg_4104.exe - a part of adware that should be removed from your PC immediately.
Files Spyware related May 12, 2021
Do I need to remove mmtask2.exe?
mmtask2.exe – a file that you must double-check before removal.
Files Spyware related May 12, 2021
Gui.exe explained
gui.exe – a legitimate process of Gigabyte Smart 6.
gui.exe is a process that runs on Windows OS computers that have Gigabyte motherboards.More
Files Spyware related May 07, 2021
Define biprep.exe file. Do I need it?
biprep.exe – a file related to adware.
biprep.exe is an executable file whose primary purpose is to start a parasite or launch some of its components.More
Files Spyware related May 07, 2021
What is Windll32.exe
Windll32.exe is the executable file that can resemble the legitimate process, but also run on the resources of the PC while dangerous.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
File vd952342.bd definition
vd952342.bd file is dangerous to the computer system, and your privacy.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
Do I need to remove syshost.exe?
syshost.exe is an executable file that is responsible for launching applications or sometimes cyber threats.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
What is NHelper.dll
NHelper.dll is a dynamically linked library.
NHelper.dll is the piece that can be found on the machine and people question the purpose of it.More
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
Newdot2.dll file characteristics
newdot2.dll is a potentially malicious file, which doesn't belong to Windows.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
Do I need MYBAR.DLL file?
MYBAR.DLL is a library file that is responsible for implementing main parasite functions and running its destructive payload.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
File MWSOEMON.EXE information
mwsoemon.exe is the file included in WebSearch Toolbar, which is classified as adware.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
File MSGSRV32.EXE definition
MSGSRV32.EXE is the piece possibly causing issues on the machine due to file damage.
Files Spyware related April 30, 2021
Support.exe details and description
Support.exe - a process you should carefully examine.
Support.exe is an executable file or a background process that could be found running in the background of a Windows machine.More
Files Spyware related April 29, 2021