Stay safe online - 2024-10-04
Do I need to remove backdoor.netbus.12.exe?
Backdoor.netbus.12.exe is a file that launches malware on your system.
Files Spyware related April 28, 2021
Understanding AMCIS.DLL file and its importance
AMCIS.DLL is a Browser Helper Object you should delete upon detection.
Files Spyware related April 28, 2021
What is unins000.exe
Unins000.exe - a component used for software uninstallation on Windows.
Application files Files April 28, 2021
Is Adobe Gamma Loader.exe a safe file?
Adobe Gamma Loader.exe is a process related to monitor calibration process.
Application files Files April 28, 2021
File Dialer.exe information
Dialer.exe is an executable file that is responsible for launching processes and programs.
Files Spyware related April 27, 2021
Understanding bsdhooks.dll file and its importance
bsdhooks.dll is a library file that is responsible for implementing main parasite functions and running its destructive payload.
Files Spyware related April 27, 2021
Alcxmntr.exe information
Alcxmntr.exe - a Realtek background process designed for monitoring purposes.
Application files Files April 27, 2021
Do I need to remove Avgserv9.exe?
Avgserv9.exe - is a file that belongs to AVG antivirus software.
Application files Files April 27, 2021
How dangerous close.js file is?
Close.js is a dangerous JavaScript file which is closely related to Spora ransomware virus.More
Files April 26, 2021
File lvcoms.exe definition
lvcoms.exe is a legitimate Microsoft process, which can appear on your computer after installing one of these programs: Logitech ImageStudio, Logitech QuickCam, Labtec WebCam, Logitech ClickSmart or Pinnacle MPEG Realtime Codec.More
Application files Files April 26, 2021
Sgtray.exe details and description
sgtray.exe is a process that is usually installed together with Veritas data backup utilities.More
Application files Files April 26, 2021
Is PE.exe a safe file?
PE.exe is the file that has the functionality to run processes and trigger application launches.
Files Spyware related April 26, 2021
sv_chost.exe is an executable file that starts a malicious process, launches certain parasite components or runs a destructive payload.More
Files Spyware related April 26, 2021
Do I need spchapi.exe file?
spchapi.exe is the file that can cause system issues.
spchapi.exe is an executable file whose primary purpose is to start a process or launch the program on the machine.More
Files Spyware related April 26, 2021
Executable PIB.exe is the main component of an adware program, designed to track user's activity in the Internet and display commercial advertisements or pop-ups with similar content.More
Files Spyware related April 26, 2021