I just purchased the SpyHunter4 software that you recommended to fix a FBI virus on my other computer. The web page told me that I should download it to a USB drive so I could transfer it to the infected computer in safe mode. I do not know how to do this since there was no choice of where to direct the download to. I need to know how to make this fix work on the computer that needs it. Please help!
when asked the about using system restore upon first entering safe mode, select whichever option means no i don't want to use system restore (i think its yes its a trick question) it is all but guaranteed to be infected by any virus since the dark ages.
i am heasatant to give advice without specific information, which is probably why the lack of reply "fbi virus" can be many many many scams/scareware/virus/spyware please include as specific information as you can find. including logs from programs like hyjack this, and autoruns ect (that is a diagnostic application use only under skilled guidance, it will find good and bad and removing all will kill computer)
one of the types i have heard of a year back, overwrites your explorer.exe in the registry, easy to fix and detect if you know how... but no amour of tools and scanners you thow at it would have any real effect due to them operating in a compleatley customized user shell
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We always recommend using another PC (which is clean) when downloading anti-spyware and updating it. Additionally, you should transfer the program to the USB drive and stick it to your infected computer. However, since you are a paid Spyhunter's customer, you can receive a help from its professional technicians. They will assist you with malware removal issues and will finally remove it for you. This option is called ‘Spyware HelpDesk’, here is how you can use it: What to do when Antispyware program fails to remove infection?.