Reimage Repair is unable to get rid of all the issues it has found. Not even in safe mode, so it tells me every time I use it. Also, a window pops up about every 30 minutes informing me that I have a virus and I click on ok to have my PC checked and, again, it is unable to fix all the issues. It takes well over an hour to do the scanning.
I tired of having to x-out of the window informing me of an issue that is never fixed. My OS is Windows 7 on an HP laptop with the purchased version of Reimage Repair.
Thanks for your help, Monica
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Reimage Repair is unable to get rid of all the issues it has found
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We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with Reimage Repair. However, to resolve these issues, far more information is needed from you, for example, what does the error say, and what virus does Reimage detect?
Note that if you are having problems with Reimage and have purchased a license, you are entitled to free support from the Reimage tech support team. Therefore, if you have inquiries, you should contact the application developer - you can either do that by email (, or by filling in the form online - you can find it here.
Please note that the details you provide to the support team, the sooner it will be to assist you.
Good luck.
2-spyware team