Ad-Protect review

In early 2005 Ad-Protect looked like the same application as Spy Control. Exact database, similar design and functionality. After scanning the same system with these 2 programs we got identical results and identical definitions.
Spy-Control is the Corrupt antispyware software and is not recommended to use.
It looked like Ad-protect was made by Global Entertainment Solutions ( Software developer cannot be trusted if he makes the same program under few different names and some of them driven by Agressive SPAM compaign.
Here you can see examples of homepages. Even graphic elements are the same.

During summer 2005 we got some explanations from the AdProtect developers:

“<…> your site mentions that ADP is the same program as Spy-Control and Ad-Eliminator, two applications notorious for their use of spam-driven marketing tactics. This is not true. Those two products were created by a Russian company with which our company (GES, Ltd., based in Tel Aviv, Israel) had business ties. We provided this company with certain legal services, as well as some translation services. We were not aware of their marketing schemes.
When we did found out, our business agreement broke down. Around this time we started developing Ad-Protect independently. Several aspects of the Russian company's intellectual property were purchased by us as a basis for Ad-Protect. However, so much was added, changed, edited, revised and taken out since that it is a completely different program, and as I said, we severed all ties with them immediately afterwards.
<…>The Ad-Protect developer is not the Spy-Control developer, and we do not use any illegal means to advertise our program.
The similarities in the scan results mentioned on your site and the functionality features are due to us purchasing various intellectual rights from the above-mentioned company to provide the basis for Ad-Protect. The program has since developed much further and many new features have been added. But this early part of development should not brand Ad-Protect as being “the same” as Spy-Control, because in reality the program, website and entire development process were completely separated and under a different company – one which doesn't use any illegal means to advertise its products.
We have been working hard on improving Ad-Protect, both the program and the website, and we really would like to clear our name and any misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding the relationship with Spy-Control.<…>”

*** (name not shown by request)

After this explanation we removed AdProtect from the Corrupt Antispyware list.

Its is known that in the past there was a software: Its a different software and it is corrupt. Do not mix.

Similarities between to

About the author
Lucia Danes
Lucia Danes - Virus researcher

Lucia is a News Editor for 2spyware. She has a long experience working in malware and technology fields.

Contact Lucia Danes
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