What is Omigaplussvc.exe? Should I remove it?
Omigaplussvc.exe is a file name that can be noticed running in your Task Manager. If you have already noticed it, you should take it as a warning because it indicates the presence of a suspicious program on your machine. Usually, the emergence of this executive file is accompanied by various inconveniences during browsing sessions. That's because Omigaplussvc.exe, likewise omiga-plus.exe and omigaplus.exe, is closely related to Omega Plus browser hijacker, which is also known as isearch.omiga-plus.com, Omiga-plus.com, and Searches.omiga-plus.com virus.
Omigaplussvc.exe is a malicious file; however, it cannot cause any harm to your computer itself. Nevertheless, it has been categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and features all characteristics of a 'browser hijacker'. The file cannot be treated as an individual application; however, it's a crucial component of Omiga Plus. Therefore, the best that you can do once you notice Omigaplussvc.exe file running on your machine is to terminate it. Besides, you are also strongly advised to perform a full system check with a decent anti-malware and remove a browser hijacker, which is responsible for keeping this file activated. Basically, at the moment of writing, there are three search providers that are considered to be 100 percent reliable, these are Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Nevertheless, there are hundreds of search engines, for instance, Omiga Plus that seek to get to the market. However, such and similar search sites seek to generate income using unfair marketing strategies, i.e. provide users with alleged search results, display sponsored ads during browsing, cause continuous redirects, track users, and may even seek to spread other PUPs or even unsafe software. Therefore, they are not recommend using. If you want to keep your machine away from unsafe websites and do not want to share your browsing experience with third parties, you should remove Omigaplussvc.exe alongside all its counterparts that are associated with Omiga Plus hijacker.
You may probably already known that browser hijackers along with their components are usually spread via software packages. For protecting your computer, you have to be extra cautious each time you download and install programs, such as download managers, PDF creators, media players, etc. on your machine. According to security experts, Advanced or Custom installation option should disclose 'additional components' and allow deselecting them. Thus, select it all the time and unmark ticks that are set by default and indicate your agreement to installOmiga Plus or set XXX as your default start page and search provider. If this hijacker has already affected your computer, we highly recommend to perform a full system check with FortectIntego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner or Malwarebytes.