What is hssvc.exe? Should I remove it?
hssvc.exe is an executable file that starts a malicious process, launches certain parasite components or runs a destructive payload. Even if the hssvc.exe file does nothing suspicious, its presence indicates that your computer is infected with a particular threat.
The hssvc.exe file is installed and used by HubSafe.
You have to delete the hssvc.exe file immediately after you have found it. The parasite will continue to violate your privacy and harm your computer unless hssvc.exe and all related objects will not be completely removed from the system. If you have difficulties erasing the file consider using an anti-spyware program.
Sometimes a presence of hssvc.exe does not indicate that your computer is infected. It can be an essential system file or a file installed by harmless legitimate software and therefore may not pose any threat to your privacy and the system. Although such cases are quite rare, you should thoroughly examine hssvc.exe before completely deleting or leaving it in the system.