What is mmtask.exe? Should I remove it?
mmtask.exe is the piece of the file that can be found on the machine and raise questions
mmtask.exe is the part of the Music Match Jukebox. Located in “C:\Program Files\MusicMatch\MusicMatch Jukebox\”. Users report that MusicMatch Jukebox will still run properly even if this is removed from the startup. This task is the file that runs in the background and watches your optical drive for the insertion or removal of a CD. When a change is detected, it reports it to MusicMatch Jukebox so the status information in the program can be updated. A problem with the file can cause the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available, but in most cases, you need to run the AV tool to make sure this is the malware issue.
Name | mmtask.exe |
Type | Executable |
Issues | The file triggers various error messages and can be used to hide malicious processes due to the common type of data |
Repair | Run FortectIntego to repair any possible data damage |
This is an optional feature that can be disabled from within the program, but the file can often trigger particular errors and make users question the existence of the mmtask.exe file on the machine. You might be one of them, but do not rush into deleting the file until you know that the piece is malicious.
Those errors include:
- mmtask.exe has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem.
- mmtask.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.
- Access violation at address in module mmtask.exe.