What is services.exe? Should I remove it?
Services.exe is an executable file, which can be found on Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems. This process is responsible for an appropriate operation of Windows services and may also be used for controling logging or Plug and Play functionality. So, if you noticed Services.exe file, you should leave it running because it's an essential part of Windows.
There are hundreds of malicious programs that use names of legitimate processes in order to hide their presence on computer. Services.exe is one of such files. According to experts, it may be used by the browser hijacker, which is known as CoolWebSearch.xpsystem, Anits, NS Keylogger, WALI, Clickbank, Replace, Rontokbro and other dangerous cyber infections. Once installed on the system, it becomes responsible for launching parasites, loading main components of malicious programs and running a destructive payload. However, it may also work on its own in the background of the system and perform its own harmful actions.
If you found Services.exe file running on your computer, you should check it because it may be a sign that your computer is infected with a particular threat. For scanning the system we recommend using RegCure Pro.