What is winservices.exe? Should I remove it?
winservices.exe is a malicious executable file, which is related to Trojan.Win32.Agent.bpix or Worm.Win32.AutoRun.eyu. Other security vendors detect this file as WORM_AUTORUN.MCL or PAK_Generic.001. So, if you noticed winservices.exe running in your system's background, you should waste no time and check it with reputable anti-spyware. Otherwise, you may lose your personal and other important information, let these viruses infect your PC with more serious threats and cause similar issues. It must be added that inservices.exe can also work on its own. It can be used for eliminating predetermined files, tracking victim's keystrokes and initiating similar actions.
You have to delete the winservices.exe file immediately after detection. Otherwise, this parasite will continue violation of your privacy and will pose a serious harm to your computer. For erasing this file from the system, you should consider using FortectIntego. This will help you to get rid of all malicious files and programs that can be related to winservices.exe.