What is LDMConf.exe? Should I remove it?

LDMConf.exe is an executable file, which belongs to the Logitech Desktop Messenger or LDM. It comes in a bundle with all Logitech Corporation products as a free service, which looks for software updates and other news, such as special Logitech's offers, promotions, program developments and similar information. LDMConf.exe starts its work every time as soon as computer is rebooted and connected to the Internet. It works in a background and has no visual window. This file is not a Windows core file, so you can remove it from the system without damaging it.


Malware creators try to hide their malware. Sometimes they do that by using identical names to the ones that belong to legitimate files. That's why you should be very careful with all non-Microsoft processes. In order to make sure that LDMConf.exe is legitimate, scan it with FortectIntego or other reputable anti-spyware.

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What to do if failed?
If you failed to fix virus damage using Fortect Intego, submit a question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.
Fortect Intego has a free limited scanner. Fortect Intego offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Fortect, try running SpyHunter 5.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Intego, try running Combo Cleaner.
About the author
Julie Splinters
Julie Splinters - Anti-malware specialist

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