What is P2P Networking.exe? Should I remove it?
P2P Networking.exe is a file that might initiate unwanted activities on your PC
P2P Networking is a process name of an unknown application developed by Joltid. Ltd. Its main goal on the Windows system is running in the background while recording user information and then sending it to its developer. As long as this software is present on the system, users would receive unwanted and intrusive pop-up ads on their computers. This component is also often detected by many security vendors under names like Adware.W32.P2PNetworking.
Name | P2P Networking.exe |
Type | Unwanted process of adware-type program |
Location | C:\Program Files\system32\p2p networking |
Activities | Produces all types of ads and tracks user data in the background |
Elimination | You can uninstall adware manually or by using a robust anti-malware software such as SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner |
System fix | Malware and adware may damage Windows files significantly. After you delete all junk from your machine, make sure you remediate system files with a repair tool such as FortectIntego |
In most cases, the file comes bundled along with other software that relies on peer-to-peer functionality, such as Kazaa. Due to this, users might often find the app on their computers without permitting it to be installed in the first place. This is very typical behavior of an adware-type program, and it can result in many programs appearing on systems unexpectedly. Luckily, this can be prevented by being more careful when installing new apps from third parties.
Once installed, adware drops its files in various places in Windows. P2P Networking.exe is placed in a deceptive location – it can be found under the following path:
C:\Program Files\system32\p2p networking
There should not be a folder called “system32” under Program Files. Many users know that the folder is initially used for Windows system files and should not be touched. This brings us to the conclusion that the process developer uses deceptive tactics in order to keep these files undetected.
Luckily, security software can not be fooled in such a way, so as long as you perform a full system scan with SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner anti-malware, all the files will be detected and deleted automatically. You might also try to remove P2P Networking manually, but you might not succeed due to its scattered files that might reinstall the program immediately, relaunching the process as a result.
While the process is running, your browser experience might be diminished significantly, as you would be forced to see pop-ups and other types of ads. Browser redirects might also occur, which can be particularly dangerous. You might also find your homepage and search engine altered to something else, resulting in more ads.
The adware will also track your information, which may include:
- IP address
- Device identifier
- Location
- Websites visited
- Links clicked
- Search queries, etc.
To conclude, the P2P Networking.exe process is unwanted, and you should take steps to remove it immediately. A scan with security software can help you accomplish that quickly. You can also clean your web browsers, remove leftover files and clean your registry, which the threat could have affected with the FortectIntego repair tool.
Ways to stay away from adware
Potentially unwanted programs such as adware are “unwanted” for a reason – they often are installed without users' approval or knowledge. Despite this, users themselves agree to the terms and conditions of software they just downloaded from a third-party website. If not looking carefully, the agreement to install optional apps slips past users' eyes, hence they are not even aware that something else was installed on their computer.
Therefore, you should always keep in mind that third-party websites bundle software and some of the programs might be PUPs or even malware. It is also in their best interests to make you install that software for more profits. To avoid that, never rush the installation and always read the instructions provided in each of the steps. Most importantly, pick advanced/custom settings when prompted, decline all the offers on the way, and remove all the ticks from pre-ticked boxes.
Uninstall useless software that tracks you immediately
In order to eliminated unwonted processes permanently, you have to uninstall P2P Networking adware from your computer. However, precisely due to background processes running, you might not be able to do so easily. Therefore, proceed with the following steps:
- Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc
- Scroll down until you find P2P Networking.exe
- Right-click and select End task/End process
- Open Control Panel and got to Programs and Features
- Find unwanted apps and uninstall them.
If for some reason, you are not able to remove apps manually, you should just use SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner or another anti-malware to eliminate all the unwanted components automatically. If you notice that your system is crashing, ads won't stop, or programs are not launching, use FortectIntego to repair system damage and clean your web browsers automatically.