What is 626ac87.exe? Should I remove it?
626ac87.exe is a malicious executable file that belongs to Trust Soldier virus. This cyber threat is categorized as rogue anti-spyware, what means that it is capable of mimicking functionality of legitimate anti-spyware. As soon as it enters computer, it start showing a full system scan and then reports about various invented issues. Please, do NOT fall for Trust Soldier and its alerts because they have nothing in common with your computer.
As soon as Trust Soldier infiltrates the system, it drops 626ac87.exe, which is responsible for launching this parasite, loading its main components and running a destructive payload. This file is a significant part of a dangerous parasite, but it can also function as a stand-alone threat. Please, do NOT let this file stay on your computer! Otherwise, it might try to download other viruses to your computer, start tracking you and initiate other dangerous activities on your computer.
As you can see, you must scan your computer with the reputable anti-spyware and remove 626ac87.exe with all related malware. For that we highly recommend using RegCure Pro and then FortectIntego.
Attention! In some cases a presence of 626ac87.exe does not mean that your system is infected. The file may actually belong to some fully legitimate applications and therefore must stay intact.