What is GrillaPrice.exe? Should I remove it?
GrillaPrice.exe file should not be on your Windows computer
GrillaPrice.exe is a potentially dangerous file that might belong to a potentially unwanted program (PUP) or a more serious malware. However, most of the time it’ belongs to GrillaPrice adware which is responsible for flooding the browser with intrusive ads or initiating redirects to promotional websites.
Therefore, GrillaPrice.exe file is not a component of Windows operating system. If you found this process running in the Task Manager, you should check your computer’s security and get rid of cyber threats that might be residing on your device.
The main symptoms of the infiltration of the so-called GrillaPrice.exe virus are:
- the major slowness of the computer;
- an increased amount of ads appearing when you browse the web;
- the appearance of unknown add-ons in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or other browsers;
- freezing or crashing web browser;
- other computer-related problems or errors.
If you are dealing with GrillaPrice virus, we highly recommend scanning the system with a reputable anti-malware software. The major security programs can easily identify this cyber threat and eliminate it within a few clicks.
For efficient GrillaPrice.exe removal, we highly recommend using FortectIntego. This security software is capable of identifying and uninstall potentially unwanted programs and fixing their created alterations.
However, if you want to remove GrillaPrice.exe manually, you should not only disable the process in Windows Task Manager but look up for adware-related files in the system as well as web browsers. Additionally, you have to reset your browsers in order to avoid reinstallation of the PUP.
Suspicious executables might installed together with freeware or shareware
The GrillaPrice.exe file is being spread bundled with various free programs that you can download from various download sources, including torrents, P2P networks, and file-sharing sites. Thus, the best idea to avoid installation of PUPs is to stay away from these questionable services.
However, it’s not enough to use reliable download sites. You should also choose the right installation settings, meaning – Advanced/Custom. Keep in mind that Standard/Recommended settings do not reveal what optional components might be installed along with the primary software, so you should not use them.
The correct way to remove GrillaPrice.exe from the system
We do not recommend you to remove GrillaPrice.exe file alone. It’s a component of an adware program which consists of other files. Thus, soon after the system restart, this executable might be reinstalled.
GrillaPrice.exe removal should be completed together with a potentially unwanted program. The best way to get rid of unwanted apps is to use a professional anti-malware/anti-spyware software, such as FortectIntego. Once it finishes scanning the system, you should reset the affected browser and get back to normal browsing habits.
However, if you want to delete GrillaPrice adware manually, you have to investigate the system. Look up for suspicious programs and files, and uninstall them. Additionally, you have to eliminate all questionable entries from the browsers and reset them to the default state.