What is HPNotify.exe? Should I remove it?
What is HPNotify.exe process for?
HPNotify.exe is a computer parasite, which is mostly related to various browser hijackers. This file, which is also known as a SearchProtect virus, is usually spread along with them. This process might be named SupHPNot.exe, too. This program auto-runs itself on each startup, and the purpose of it is to hinder you from removing the browser hijacker application from your PC.
HPNotify.exe can be spread with numerous browser hijackers, for example, MyStartSearch.com, WebsSearches.com, Omiga-Plus.com, Delta-Homes.com, Search.myway.com (click on the links to find out more information about these applications) and other hideous spyware programs. Keep in mind that the HPNotify.exe process is meant to ensure that you do not remove these browser hijackers or change any settings applied by them. For example, if your PC gets hijacked by a browser hijacker, it normally replaces homepage to a particular website. Let's say you do not want to keep that website as your homepage and change it to another one. Next time you restart your computer, the website related to the browser hijacker will be set as homepage again. Why? This is exactly what HPNotify.exe process does.
How to avoid installing HPNotify.exe?
As we have already stated, HPNotify.exe application is spread together with browser hijackers. Browser hijackers are commonly spread via bundling technique, so in order to avoid installing them, you must monitor the installation process whenever you install new software on your PC. Unfortunately, you can never know whether the free software that you wish to install carries optional applications (for example, browser hijackers, adware, or else) attached to it. In order to find that out, you should always select Advanced or Custom installation setting and then opt-out any suggestions to install third-party software.
How to remove this untoward computer parasite?
We do not recommend you to try and locate this hazardous process on your own – it might be hiding in random computer places. To make sure you remove this virus in a proper way, you should do it using an automatic removal tool. We recommend using FortectIntego anti-malware software. It is a powerful software whose purpose is to scan the computer for threats and eliminate them entirely.