What is hpwuschd2.exe? Should I remove it?
hpwuschd2.exe is a relatively safe file that is associated with Hewlett-Packard products
hpwuschd2.exe (also known as Hpwuschd application) is an executable file that runs in the background on Windows operating systems and belongs to Hewlett-Packard Product Assistant. It makes sure that printers, scanners, and other gadgets are updated with the latest updates and drivers. Nevertheless, users reported that Hpwuschd application could cause random computer freezes and crashes, as well as making their machines to run slow. Additionally, as all the executables, hpwuschd2.exe can represent a virus which can harm the computer and compromise users' privacy, so a thorough system's check is highly recommended.
Summary | |
Name | hpwuschd2.exe |
Also known as | Hpwuschd application |
Type | Application file |
Installation | Installed together with software that belongs to Hewlett-Packard devices |
Issues | Known to slow down, freeze or crash the computer |
Malware possible? | Yes. Perform system scan using anti-virus software |
hpwuschd2.exe issues fix | Scan your machine using PC repair software FortectIntego |
hpwuschd2.exe is not an essential component of Windows and is usually installed together with software that accompanies HP peripherals. It is also known to be launched at the startup of the system and run in the background. In case it is causing any trouble, you can remove Hpwuschd application – it will not affect the operation of the HP device.
hpwuschd2.exe is also known to monitor the use of the products, as well as delivers information to HP about crashes and similar issues. While this is done for customer experience research purposes, many users showed dissatisfaction with such a use of data, claiming that it is just another way to gather information for marketing purposes. Whether it is true or not, it is up to you to decide if you are okay with hpwuschd2.exe collecting specific data from your device.
The file location is usually C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Software Update. However, if the executable is located in C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder, there is a high chance that the malware is involved in this process. In such a case, hpwuschd2.exe virus removal is necessary. You can eliminate all malicious files by performing a full system scan on your device.
You should be especially careful if your device is showing the following infection symptoms:
- High CPU/GPU usage;
- Frequent errors and BSoDs;
- An increased amount of advertisement and redirects;
- Slow operation of the device;
- Software crashes or/and freezes.
If the scan returned nothing and you are still having problems with hpwuschd2.exe, you should use FortectIntego to fully repair your Windows operating system and Hpwuschd application. The PC repair software looks for errors in system files and restores them by replacing the damaged components with a brand new version from the internal database.
Malware infiltration can be prevented in most cases
Despite the popular belief, cybersecurity is mostly in the hands of the computer owner. Malware does not merely appear on the machine on its own, the computer user needs to interact with the malicious software, either directly or indirectly.
In most cases, users are tricked into clicking deceptive links, or opening contaminated attachments in phishing emails sent by hackers. Additionally, using weak passwords, neglecting security software, downloading pirated programs, and similar behavior dramatically increases the risk of malware infection.
Therefore, to stay safe online, make sure you use comprehensive security software at all times, treat spam emails with suspicion, avoid high-risk websites and remember, that not everything on the internet is true (a free iPhone sounds familiar?).
Issues with hpwuschd2.exe should encourage you to think about Hpwuschd application removal
There are two reasons you should remove hpwuschd2.exe – it is either a virus, or it is causing you trouble with proper computer operation. Before you do anything, you should employ security software (if you have not got it yet) and perform a full system scan. Certain malware can prevent from anti-virus software working correctly, so entering Safe Mode with Networking is mandatory.
If the system scan returned no results and the file is still causing you trouble, use FortectIntego to repair possible system bugs. Of course, you could attempt to fix issues by yourself, but it requires certain IT knowledge. For all those less computer-savvy people automatic repair software is the best solution.
Finally, even if hpwuschd2.exe is not causing you any issues, it can hardly be useful for most recent devices and software versions. Thus, if you don't like to clutter your machine, remove Hpwuschd application together with executable files and other components via the Control Panel.