What is inst.exe? Should I remove it?
inst.exe is an executable file that starts a malicious process, launches certain parasite components or runs a destructive payload. Even if the inst.exe file does nothing suspicious, its presence indicates that your computer is infected with a particular threat.
The inst.exe file is installed and used by Bedrill Trojan.
The inst.exe file usually runs the same named process. This process silently works in background and performs harmful actions. It remains active while inst.exe is present in the system. Removing the file will immediately terminate a process and prevent it from running later. That is why you have to manually delete the inst.exe file. If you cannot erase it, consider using recommended spyware removers, which will get rid of inst.exe and associated parasites for you.
Sometimes a presence of inst.exe does not indicate that your computer is infected. It can be an essential system file or a file installed by harmless legitimate software and therefore may not pose any threat to your privacy and the system. Although such cases are quite rare, you should thoroughly examine inst.exe before completely deleting or leaving it in the system. inst.exe is an executable file that is responsible for launching parasites, loading main components of malicious programs and running a destructive payload. It is a significant part of a dangerous parasite, but can also function as a stand-alone threat. DO NOT run this file!
The inst.exe file is installed and used by RealSearch.
You are highly advised to scan the system, delete executable inst.exe and terminate all the processes it started.
Please note that the inst.exe file actually may be a fully legitimate part of the operating system or legitimate software. Often parasites use files with unsuspicious names, but malicious functionality. You should always carefully check the file before deleting it. It may not be related with malware, but can be required by your essential programs to work properly.