What is lssass.exe? Should I remove it?

lssass.exe is an executable file that starts a malicious process, launches certain parasite components or runs a destructive payload. Even if the lssass.exe file does nothing suspicious, its presence indicates that your computer is infected with a particular threat.
The lssass.exe file is installed and used by Amirecivel.b.
You have to delete the lssass.exe file immediately after you have found it. The parasite will continue to violate your privacy and harm your computer unless lssass.exe and all related objects will not be completely removed from the system. If you have difficulties erasing the file consider using an anti-spyware program.
Please note that the lssass.exe file actually may be a fully legitimate part of the operating system or legitimate software. Often parasites use files with unsuspicious names, but malicious functionality. You should always carefully check the file before deleting it. It may not be related with malware, but can be required by your essential programs to work properly. lssass.exe is an executable file which primary purpose is to start a parasite or launch some of its components. Once executed, the lssass.exe file runs a process that is responsible for the parasite’s payload. lssass.exe is a significant part of a dangerous threat, but it can also work on its own. DO NOT execute it!
The lssass.exe file is installed and used by Amirecivel.c.
You are highly advised to scan the system, delete executable lssass.exe and terminate all the processes it started.
Please note that the lssass.exe file actually may be a fully legitimate part of the operating system or legitimate software. Often parasites use files with unsuspicious names, but malicious functionality. You should always carefully check the file before deleting it. It may not be related with malware, but can be required by your essential programs to work properly.

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What to do if failed?
If you failed to fix virus damage using Fortect Intego, submit a question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.
Fortect Intego has a free limited scanner. Fortect Intego offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Fortect, try running SpyHunter 5.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Intego, try running Combo Cleaner.
About the author
Julie Splinters
Julie Splinters - Anti-malware specialist

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