What is NvTmru.exe? Should I remove it?
NvTmru.exe is a legitimate executable, which is related to a program known as NVIDIA GeForce Experience. This program belongs to NVIDIA Corporation and is mostly used for expanding GPU functionality beyond the traditional rasterization of 3D graphics. NvTmru is not an essential Windows file, so you can get rid of it if you want to. While it hasn't been causing lots of problems for PC users, some of them have reported about slowdowns and other unwanted activities. Besides, it may try to connect to the Internet. If you think that this file is useless and you need to remove NvTmru.exe from the system, you should look for this file in “C:\Program Files”. Of course, you should also uninstall NVIDIA Drivers via “Add or Remove Programs” function of Windows Control Panel.
There are lots of viruses that use the names of legitimate files for trying to hide their presence on the system. This means that hackers can easily try to 'borrow' NvTmru.exe name when spreading their own malware and trying to postpone its removal. If you are sure that you have never downloaded and installed NVIDIA GeForce Experience, the appearance of this file can become a sign that your computer is infected. Please, do NOT leave this executable on your computer! For checking it and eliminating a malicious NvTmru.exe version you should run RegCure Pro. If this program notifies you about a malicious NvTmru.exe version, you should run a full system scan with FortectIntego and remove related malware from the system.