What is p_981116.exe? Should I remove it?
p_981116.exe is a legitimate process of DirectX 6.0 that acts as an executable file in Microsoft Windows operating systems. This application starts as soon as computer starts. Since it is not a Windows core file, it can be safely terminated. Typically, you can find this process in C:\Windows folder.
There are many PC users who report about p_981116.exe related errors. These errors usually appears when there is some trouble with a normal work of DirectX 6.0 software. The safest way to stop them is to uninstall this application. Otherwise, you may notice system slow downs and similar problems.
There are many viruses that tend to use names of legitimate files in order to prevent their removal. If you noticed system's slow downs, browser's redirections and similar problems, it might be that p_981116.exe process belongs to virus. Run a full system scan with updated anti-spyware to make sure that your computer is not infected.