What is player.exe? Should I remove it?
player.exe is a harmless executable file that belongs to Veetle TV, Project1 and Player Module softwares. If any of these programs are installed on your computer, you can also expect to discover player.exe running on it. This process is responsible for starting the program, loading its main components and updating it. It is located in a “C:\Documents and Settings” folder and is launched as soon as any of previously mentioned programs is started. It is not a significant system file, so you can terminate player.exe if you want to.
There are lots of malicious processes that have been named using legitimate file names. It has been done for a very simple reason – expectations to hide viruses from anti-viruses. So, if you noticed player.exe file running in your PC system, it does not necessarily mean that it is a safe file. According to security experts, it may belong to Bofang and any other virus that seeks to initiate malicious activities on the system. For checking the trustworthiness of player.exe we recommend using RegCure Pro.