What is wuauclt.exe? Should I remove it?
Wuauclt.exe is a legitimate Windows process, which can also be called as Windows Update AutoUpdate Client, Automatic Updates or Windows Update Automatic Updates. As its name suggests, this process runs in the background of the system and checks the Microsoft website for automatic updates. Wuauclt.exe is located in C:\Windows\System32 folder, but you can also find it running on the Task Manager's list when it waits for a permission. The program has no visible window and its security rating is 9% dangerous. We do not recommend terminating Wuauclt.exe.
Malware creators like to name their malicious processes identically to legitimate processes for trying to hide their viruses inside the system and prevent their removal. If you find wuauclt.exe file in other folder, not C:\Windows\System32, your PC may be infected with virus. In this case, scan a PC with a reputable anti-spyware without any delay and remove malicious file from the system. For that we recommend using RegCure Pro.