What is Moxgfjabg.exe? Should I remove it?
If you have just noticed Moxgfjabg.exe in your task manager, do NOT believe that it belongs to Google! No matter that this executable is described as a 'Google Chrome process', it belongs to trojan horse. Such type of viruses is very dangerous because trojans have been used for initiating lots of malicious activities. What activities can be caused by them? First of all, Moxgfjabg.exe and related components can try to initiate bitcoin mining on your computer. Such activity can obviously cause slow downs on your machine. In addition, this file can help for its developers to infect system with additional malware, initiate DDoS attacks, cloud computing and click fraud. To sum up, you should not believe that Moxgfjabg.exe belongs to Google Chrome. If you have just noticed this file running in your Task Manager, you should scan your computer with updated anti-spyware, such as FortectIntego.
It is known that Moxgfjabg.exe process can show up in Windows Task Manager right after visiting a compromised website, opening misleading email attachment or clicking on a suspicious link. In addition, security experts have also warned people about 'bundling' because there are hundreds of freewares and sharewares that often incorporate adware-type add-ons and browser hijackers. The most popular among them are delta-homes.com, Omiga Plus, mystartsearch, Adchoices.. These program can not only initiate redirects to unknown websites, slow downs, pop-up ads and other issues. They can also start tracking people's browsing on the Internet and may collect personal information. So, you should double check each of free programs before downloading them to the system.
If Moxgfjabg.exe has already showed up on your computer, it should be removed from it ASAP. Otherwise, it can easily cause previously mentioned activities. If you want to remove fake Google Chrome processes without leaving their hidden components, please, select one of these programs: FortectIntego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner, Malwarebytes.