What is consent.exe? Should I remove it?

Consent.exe is a file of Windows operating system that has administrator-level access to files and settings

Consent.exe is a safe and legitimate file that belongs to the Microsoft Windows operating system, User Account Control in particular. This executable is associated with Windows Vista UAC, Windows 10 creators update, and other processes. Therefore, if you haven’t noticed any suspicious activities on your PC, you should not worry about this EXE file. Typically, this file is located in C:\Windows\System32 folder and is launched once the system boots up.

Sometimes consent.exe may be a cause of the system's slowdowns and high CPU consumption. Additionally, users report about various problems and errors triggered by the file.[1] This is possible because the file has enhanced system privileges and resides in the safe location it is more useful by malicious actors that can disguise their processes behind such a common file name.

Name Consent.exe
Type Executable file
Mainly found on Vista, Windows 7,8 and Windows 10 operating systems
Purpose Windows process belonging to User Account Control that gets automatically loaded whenever the system boots up. The process is vital for the installation of most applications[2]
Potential security risk Malware programs can disguise themselves as processes with administrative permissions 
Location The legitimate process should be located in C:\ Windows \ System32 folder. If not, the file may be malicious or related to criminal activity
Save or need to be deleted? The process is only called when UAC is turned on, so if you think that consent.exe is malicious, disable it from the UAC settings page. However, first, you should check for possibly corrupted files with FortectIntego

Malware creators like to use the names of legitimate files in order to prevent the removal of their viruses. This way malicious background processes cause high usage os PC resources and the user remains calm due to the common name and type of the file. So, be aware that consent.exe name may also be used to hide the presence of a virus, especially when it appears running all the time.

However, consent.exe removal is not recommended. This file is a critical component of the operating system. Thus, its elimination might end up with various computer-related problems unless this file is used by a malicious program.[3] If you suspect that you may have caught a computer virus, you should check this file’s location.

If this file is located not in the c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder, check the PC with an updated anti-spyware tool to make sure that it is not a threat. For the system file check, we recommend using FortectIntego which might even fix those alterations in registry or system folders. However, you can use any other software that is capable of performing consent.exe removal and diagnosis if needed.

When you are 100% that this file is malicious, you should not try to delete it yourself. Computer viruses consist of numerous different files which are responsible for specific activities. Thus, in order to clean your PC, you have to remove consent.exe together with other malicious files. In this case, malware removal tools are very helpful.

Malware that comes in the format of executable files can be set to generate cryptocurrency at the expense of your PC resources or install other malware as a secondary payload. Such files hide worms, trojans, and even malicious device-damaging scripts. If you believe that consent.exe virus is on the machine – run a full system check with a reliable anti-malware application.

The way malicious files get on the system

When your computer is sluggish, you cannot open particular programs or access files, noticed lots of ads on the browser, and found this file in a strange location, it might be malicious. But you should remember to learn about the purpose of a file in question.

The virus-related file might arrive on the system using a couple of methods, such as:

  • malicious spam email attachments,
  • illegal software, movie or music downloads,
  • fake software updates,
  • malware-laden ads,
  • exploit kits.

Most of the time, a malicious executable can get into the system when a user opens or clicks some infected content when browsing the web. Therefore, you should watch your clicks, avoid visiting questionable sites and downloading illegal content.

Additionally, it’s important to install available updates to avoid brute-force attacks. Many malicious programs are capable of launching attacks by exploiting vulnerabilities in outdated software. Keep in mind that using the name of a legit Windows file allows bypassing antivirus detection. Thus, even the most powerful tool cannot protect you if you do not follow major security tips.

Check the legitimacy of consent.exe file before removing it completely

If you think that your Windows machine is infected and you consider consent.exe removal, you have to check if this file is actually harmful. In order to do so, you have to run a full system scan with FortectIntego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner, Malwarebytes, or another system tool or even an anti-malware software. Checking the file with professional tools can indicate if it is malicious, corrupted or affected by a program.

Your chosen security tool will remove consent.exe if it is malicious or indicates other possible issues. Additionally, it will wipe out other dangerous components within a couple of minutes. Hence, you should not consider deleting unknown files manually to avoid the accidental deletion of critical system components.

Don't fall into your own conclusion that consent.exe virus is the malicious program that causes system issues or any slowness of the machine. There are tons of different issues that can be the reason for changes in the speed, besides the malware infections. Run an anti-malware tool or troubleshoot to find out what is the reason behind your frustration before eliminating anything.

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What to do if failed?
If you failed to fix virus damage using Fortect Intego, submit a question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.
Fortect Intego has a free limited scanner. Fortect Intego offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Fortect, try running SpyHunter 5.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Intego, try running Combo Cleaner.
About the author
Jake Doevan
Jake Doevan - Computer technology expert

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