What is Jcecn.exe? Should I remove it?
Jcecn.exe is a malicious executable that is related to a crypto mining malware
Jcecn.exe is a dangerous file that can be noticed running in the background on Windows machine if it is affected by crypto mining malware. It is one of the best cryptojackng examples – the malicious software enters the computer and embeds the script that is silently mining cryptocurrency which is placed directly into hacker's wallet. While Bitcoin remains the most popular crypto, other digital currencies like Monero and Ethereum are used by criminals as well. Although there are very few symptoms trojans like Jcecn.exe produce, it is vital to eliminate the threat before it can pile up your electricity bill, wear off your PC parts and inject more malware into the system.
Name | Jcecn.exe |
Type | Crypto miner |
Category | Trojan |
Distribution | Malicious executables, software bundling |
Malicious activity | Mines crypto by using CPU power of the victim's PC |
Detection and elimination | Use reputable security software to perform a scan in Safe Mode |
Optimization | We suggest you scan your machine with FortectIntego to fix the damage done by the trojan |
The crypto mining process on itself is not malicious, and some website authors even prefer it over using advertisements for the profit. Besides, many users agree to share some of their CPU power in exchange for no annoying pop-ups and blinking windows on their Google Chrome, IE, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari browsers. Unfortunately, the mining activity becomes illegal as soon as the user is not notified about the activity taking place, and Jcecn.exe virus does precisely that.
For that reason, you should make sure you take care of Jcecn.exe removal. We do not recommend you trying to eliminate the threat yourself, as the cyber infection like trojan uses a complicated code that performs several changes to the system, and reverting them usually requires excessive IT knowledge.
However, anti-malware software can remove Jcecn.exe and all its malicious components quickly and reliably. Note that crypto mining malware does not show any symptoms, although users might notice:
- Stuttering videos or games;
- Crashing software;
- Computer reboots or shut downs;
- Increased fan usage;
- Stop errors, etc.
However, many users might not be able to associate these signs with Jcecn.exe malware and might direct the symptoms to be outdated or failing hardware. Regardless of the reason, a reliable security program will be able to identify the infection. Otherwise, additional troubleshooting should be made.
Stay away from cyber infections by being careful online
Despite the popular belief, computer viruses do not merely access computers “out of nowhere.” The PC operator is involved in the elaborate infection process, even though he or she might not be aware of that. There are multiple ways how crypto mining malware can enter devices, which include software vulnerabilities, spam emails, malicious installers, unsafe or hacked websites, weak RDP protection, bundled software, etc.
Therefore, in order to reduce the probability of the infection, follow these tips:
- Employ security comprehensive security software with real-time protection feature;
- Patch you system as soon as new updates are available – it includes the operating system and installed software. Note that there are fake updates like Adobe Flash that spread malware, so make sure your software is set to update itself automatically;
- Stay away from email attachments unless you are 100% sure that it is legitimate. Just to be sure, scan the zipped or other type of file sent to you with anti-malware software;
- Do not click on links inside suspicious emails (you can always mouseover the hyperlink to see the URL it will lead you to);
- Beware of file-sharing and torrent sites which often host malware;
- Use strong passwords for all your accounts and do not reuse them. We advise choosing password managers;
- Do not trust everything that is thrown at you on the internet, remember that everything what is too good to be true usually is.
Get rid of Jcecn.exe virus as it can harm your computer
Jcecn.exe removal should not be delayed once it has been detected. As we already mentioned, trojans rarely emit any symptoms and can remain on the system undetected for months or even years. Anti-malware software like FortectIntego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner or other, can make sure that no such threats are missed.
To remove Jcecn.exe virus promptly, you should enter Safe Mode with Networking. This mode allows Windows to start with only necessary drivers, preventing malware from operating temporarily. However, you can also try to uninstall malware in normal mode before entering Safe Mode.