What is WtuSystemSupport.exe? Should I remove it?

WtuSystemSupport.exe is technically a part of AVG Web TuneUp but can be easily misused by malicious actors

WtuSystemSupport.exe is an executable that belongs to AVG Web TuneUp. This is a browser extension released by AVG[1] that suits Internet Explorer and Google Chrome web browsers and provides them with safety measures. The process is not necessary for Windows computer operation and you can remove WtuSystemSupport.exe if you find it unnecessary or causing you trouble. Sometimes, bad actors can target such legitimate file names and disguise as the original executable while holding malware behind their backs. Bringing malware via files is a common distribution technique.

Name WtuSystemSupport.exe
Type Application file
Location If the file is an original component of AVG Web TuneUp, then it should be located in the C:\Program Files (x86) directory
Size The most popular file sizes appear to be 981,576 bytes and 620,056 bytes. If the file comes in a very different or questionable size, it might be a sign that something is wrong
When malicious? The executable might be malware-related when it is found in a different directory, when it holds a different size, and when you see to similar processes running in the Task Manager
Removal If the file appears to be malicious, you should use strong antimalware to get rid of the parasite
Fix tip If you have found some damaged objects on your Windows computer, try repairing them with FortectIntego

The original version of WtuSystemSupport.exe is a signal process running in the Task Manager that can also be found in the C:\Program Files (x86) location. The most common file sizes are 981,576 bytes and 620,056 bytes. If the executable fulfills all of these parametres and was installed from a reliable source, you should experience no trouble.

However, if WtuSystemSupport.exe virus is what you are dealing with here, things can become very complicated. The malicious executable will probably appear in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Continuously, you might see two similar processes running in the Task Manager that is an accurate sign of malware.

Even though WtuSystemSupport.exe malware might not show any accurate signs, there definitely are some symptoms that advanced users can recognize. For example, a sudden increase in the CPU's[2] and/or GPU's energy level, constantly freezing programs and windows, unknown system struggles and crashes, bogus entries have appeared in the Registry, etc.

If WtuSystemSupport.exe is malicious, it can bring any type of parasite to your computer system. Most often, criminals are likely to distribute Trojan viruses[3] through such executables. The malware can bring severe damage to your machine and put your personal information and money in your bank account at a big risk of theft.

Trojans give remote access to the criminals and allow them to manage the targeted computer system entirely. If  WtuSystemSupport.exe is a Trojan virus, you can experience the same activity. The crooks might aim to delete or install various apps to your computer, inject other malware strings remotely, or even use your machine for mining cryptocurrency.

However, the worst part about WtuSystemSupport.exe virus is that it might target your personal information and banking data. If you have been storing any sensitive details on the infected computer, the criminals might get their hands on them very easily. This way you might experience identity theft or encounter an empty bank account.

WtuSystemSupport.exe removal is very important if you have found this file to be malicious. Additionally, if the malware has damaged your computer system in some way, you can try repairing it with FortectIntego. However, if the component is considered to be safe, it is your own choice to leave it or not.

Most common ways to distribute malicious files

According to tech experts from NoVirus.uk,[4] malicious files can be included in various peer-to-peer networks and secondary downloading websites. The criminals provide the executable as a reliable piece of software and encourage users to download it regarding its neatly-written description.

Regarding this fact, you should avoid downloading software and services from unknown sources that lack the required protection. Get your programs and their files only from original developers and official downloading pages.

Continuously, malicious components can travel attached to email spam messages. The criminals drop infectious emails to random users and wait for them to open the clipped attachment. The hackers usually pretend to be from reliable organizations to give the message a look of legitimacy.

Our point is that you should not engage in opening any content that is attached to a random email message. Before accessing any file, you should scan it with antivirus software and make sure that it is safe to open. However, you should never trust any messages that fall in the Spam section of your email box and remove all of them without hesitation.

The removal process for WtuSystemSupport.exe malware

If the file has been detected as malicious by your antivirus program or has been showing some signs of an infection, you should remove WtuSystemSupport.exe from your Windows computer instantly. The longer you wait, the bigger the damage for your computer system might be done.

Once you complete WtuSystemSupport.exe removal automatically, you can scan your machine with software such as SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner or Malwarebytes and check for possible damage. If these tools find any components that need fixing, you can try employing FortectIntego. Even though there is no 100% guarantee that this software will help, it might allow you to fix at least some cases.

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What to do if failed?
If you failed to fix virus damage using Fortect Intego, submit a question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.
Fortect Intego has a free limited scanner. Fortect Intego offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Fortect, try running SpyHunter 5.
Alternative Software
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Intego, try running Combo Cleaner.
About the author
Gabriel E. Hall
Gabriel E. Hall - Passionate web researcher

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