Security and spyware news
Stay safe online - 2025-02-14
Chinese company infected 250 million computers worldwide
Over 250 million computer users all around the world have been infected with Fireball malware. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-06-02
No privacy for mobile users?
Due to occasional scandals about data leaks, each of us starts questioning whether it is possible to stay anonymous or at least protect personal data. More
10 mobile security tips for summer holidays
Your long-awaited dream holiday is just around the corner, and we are sure that you have already prepared your smartphone for it. More
Google Play store games infected 36.5 million users with malware
Online security researchers at Checkpoint have recently come across a zero-day malware dubbed Judy which was being distributed on the popular mobile download platform Google Play. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-05-30
Developers of WannaCry are expected to launch DDoS attack
There’s no doubt that WannaCry ransomware is the worst what has happened this year to the online community. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-05-29
The end of AES_NI ransomware? The hacker publishes decryption keys
While most of the cases, virus researchers are the ones who release long-awaited ransomware decryption keys, in the case of AES-NI ransomware, things are vice versa. More
Scammers are quick to exploit WannaCry ransomware fears
The cyber attack launched on 12 May 2017 attracted a lot of media attention, and considering how successful the attack was, there is no doubt that it caused mass hysteria. More
News 2017-05-25
Malware might attack movie lovers from subtitle files
Movie streaming via torrent-like services is an unethical, copyright-infringing and quite risky activity in itself and it has just become even more dangerous as the subtitle files with embedded malicious scripts were spotted circling the web. More
Recently discovered EternalRocks worm employs 7 NSA hacking tools
Recently emerged EternalRocks network worm might become even a bigger cyber threat than WannaCry ransomware. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-05-23
98% of WannaCry ransomware victims were Windows 7 users
The cyber attack using WannaCry ransomware was launched a little earlier than a week ago now, and analysis and research by cyber security experts bring more and more facts to the table. More
News 2017-05-22
French researchers release a free WannaCry decryption tool
WannaCry ransomware shook the entire world on May 12, 2017, when cybercriminals used in a massive cyber attack that affected hundreds of thousands computers worldwide. More
Adylkuzz miner exploited EternalBlue and DoublePulsar before WannaCry
While the Internet was booming with numerous reports about the WannaCry attacks , another malicious program called Adylkuzz managed to pass by without major media coverage. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-05-18
Hackers leaked "Pirates Of The Caribbean 5" on Torrent sites
Online piracy became an issue in the digital world as soon as first file-sharing programs became available on World Wide Web. More
Could Lazarus hackers be behind WannaCry attack?
After the storm of WannaCry or Wana Crypt0r has slightly subsided, cyber security specialists have more time to investigate the origins and the identity of the culprit. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-05-16
How to survive WannaCry attack?
The cyber-attack launched on Friday, 12 May 2017 unquestionably made WannaCry ransomware hit the headlines of all the main news sites. More
News Viruses and parasites 2017-05-15